Volunteers Expectations for 2025
Meets cannot run without parent volunteers. It takes 50+ volunteers to run a home meet and 25+ volunteers are needed for an away meet.
Each family is required to have at least one volunteer at every dual meet.
Sign up with the use of “Sign-Up Genius”
Sign in at each meet when you are volunteering or find the volunteer coordinator.
Be on time for your volunteer post and know who is replacing you.
Do not leave your post until you are replaced.
Volunteering at an invitational meet does not count toward your volunteer times but often allows you to enter these meets without paying an admission fee.
Swim Meet Volunteer Job Positions:
Announcer (Home)
Computer Operator (Home) – this position requires training.
Lead Official (Home) - this position requires training.
Starter/Meet Referee - this is a trained position.
Finish Judge
Stroke and Turn Judge - this position requires training.
Swimmer Line-up - Volunteers must complete child clearances for this position.
Live Streaming (Home)
Ribbons (Home)
Runner (Home)
Concession Stand (Home)
Set Up and Tear Down (Home) – THE MORE THE BETTER!
The Board is also seeking a committee to run and operate the concession stand. If you are interested, please contact a Board Member.
Stroke & Turn Judge
We will need stroke and turn judges to volunteer at meets this summer. If you are a returning official or would be interested in helping in this capacity, please contact mjswimteam@gmail.com. If interested in stroke and turn judge volunteer positions, an LSSL Stroke and Turn Clinic is scheduled for 6/2 at 6 - 8 PM (Zoom Mtg)